Working Remotely – SenSys IT Cloud migration

March 21, 2020
SenSys Technology IT solutions providers worked with Gaffney Mechanical to implement cloud migration for a transition to remote working. Call us for advice.

Gaffney Mechanical:

Dublin based business Gaffney Mechanical are a leading provider of mechanical, electrical and maintenance services.

Their team comprises circa.150 people from directors, engineers, estimating, accounts, service coordinators, and project foremen. The business also has project foremen, engineers, and plumbers working on many building sites throughout Ireland. The business has two offices, one based in Blanchardstown Dublin and the other in Kells Co. Meath.

The requirement:

Gaffney Mechanical has two offices and has a distributed team working on sites throughout Ireland. The existing server-based file share and server-based software were not practical or convenient for staff and management to upload and work on documents when working from outside of the office. The on-site server also required backups, maintenance, and support.

The management at Gaffney Mechanical required the new IT system to be easily accessible from home, building sites, or any office. They wanted to implement a work-from-anywhere system and policy and contacted SenSys Technology for us to manage the migration of files, data, and systems from their servers to the Cloud.

The Solution:

We met with the management team at Gaffney Mechanical who were very clear about what the existing issues were, and what the ‘dream’ was for the IT system going forward. They just didn’t know how to go about migrating the data, what systems to choose and management were also concerned about change management implementing a new solution and getting all distributed staff and subcontractors to work from one system.

SenSys Technology carried out the following steps:

  • Complimentary ‘Discovery and Alignment Meeting
  • Presentation of the results following our alignment and proposal on the systems and professional services required for the migration.
  • Project plan and change management plan to ensure a successful cloud migration ensuring staff utilised the systems to maximum benefit.
  • The actual migration and management of data from on-premise services to the cloud.
  • One-to-one training of all staff (end users) on the new file structure and system.
  • Handover and completion.
  • On-going management and support

The Result:

  • Easy and convenient access to all IT systems from anywhere.
  • Structured and carefully thought out file structure in advance of cloud migration.
  • Better team collaboration on live documents.
  • Real change management and staff buy-in managed by SenSys IT managers.
  • Document Version Control – All documents can be managed online meaning staff are always working from the latest version.
  • Secure and Robust – As the system is in the cloud the system is robust and we applied correct security and backup systems.
  • Scalable – The Gaffney Mechanical is growing and scaling quickly, the IT systems and structure has been designed by SenSys to scale.

Consultative and managed – What Gaffney Mechanical really needed was consultancy, guidance and reassurance that the migration would be managed correctly with no downtime, staff would buy-in and support would be offered during and after the migration.


Brenda Killeen

From the first meeting with SenSys, the consultative approach & time taken to really understand our business and requirements was so helpful in guiding us through the new IT system upgrade. We were nervous about change and new systems, but SenSys gave us reassurance and confidence, they also took on the full management of the project at all stages and worked with individual staff on ‘buy in’ and training. Alan and Paul the SenSys IT managers carried out the work and the guys felt like part of the team keeping me up to date without IT jargon. This week due to CoronaVirus we have to work from home and we wouldn’t have been able to do this with the old system, but the new system works as if I was sitting at my desk in the office

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Freephone1800 815 683

Email: Ben Killeen